ok I'm 5'6 15 years old I'm very slim..soon I'm going to be 16 in December
my dad is 5'7 1/2-5'8 and my mom is 5'3
is there any chance that i can grow taller than my dad.like to 5'10 or 5'11?
so is there anyway i could increase my height...like exercises/etc...??
Yoga keeps the spine aligned and stretched. Buy a chin-up bar and hang it in a doorway then hang from that several times a day. That's the cheap way. There are devices that you put your feet in boots, then turn upside down to hang for several minutes. Doing these things will not change your genetic make-up to give you more height than what your body is constructed to do, it will help with only stretching the muscles around the spine and keep the spine aligned properly, so it remains in it's proper curvature which will help with you standing more erect and a posture that is nice and tall. Long bone-growth occurs up until age 25, so you still have plenty of time to grow and possibly gain more height than your Father or Mother. Americans today are generally taller than 100 years ago due to good nutrition and vitamins, so take your vitamins and eat properly, lots of vegetables and fruits, protein and complex carbohydrates. Nutrition plays a big part in the GSH, growth stimulating hormone.
how tall u are going to get is in your genes. and i'm a short girl, i wouldnt want to date a guy who was a half foot taller than me.
i'm afraid the height is not something we can do. Since you are still young, you will still grow inches anyway. I wouldn't worry about heights. i do believe you're reach your dad's height in few years. Take some time. excrises only deals with weight and muscles.
Try the Alexander Technic. It's posture exercises and it helped my dad grow 2 inches and he's in his mid 40's.
Right now, al I know is that hanging and choking yourself can make you taller. But do not take this as advice! It is also very dangerous!
No, put simply.
Your height is determined by your genes, no amount of exercise will make you taller.
Don't worry - at 15 you've still got a fair old bit of growing to do.
Playing basketball is a good exercise!
It also makes 27 years old grow taller.
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