My wife is being screwed around by her Dr.'s her doc got her addicted to oxycodone (an opiate like heroin%26#92;morphine), and she has been taking a high dose for about 2 years and when she came to him for help he put instant judjement on her and thinks shes some bad drug addict, and now she is out of her meds and going through extreme withdrawal does anyone have any ideas that may help aside from buying drugs on the street or going to the hospital cause the Dr. told the Hospital that shes a drug addict even though he put her on the meds in the first place .I know what he is doing is very wrong and he will be punished but I need immediate help any Idea's anyone Please!!
your best bet is to take her somewhere else, but first you probably need to get her medical attention if she is going thru withdrawals. it can be dangerous. i was on methadone and tried to suddenly stop it and it was horrible, really hard to get off of. i was literally sick. be very careful to be sure she is ok. but i would also suggest finding a new doctor.
Ask for a second opinion, and make sure you explain the situation in full. They may be able to put her on methadone, which is a synthetic opiate that has little to no euphoric side effects, but can help as a way to 'ramp down' from addiction.
Worst case scenario though, just tough it out--the withdrawl effects fade in a week or two. Drink plenty of water though, because opiates tend to constipate the hell out of you, and the water will help get the plumbing going again.
It's a lot easier recovering from opiate addiction that it is to quit smoking, I'll tell ya that much!!
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