
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is there a cure for stupidity?

don't worry.
you are OK.
is not against the law

ask Bush
Yes there is......get a clue.
What do you think..
yeah its called "learning" also some "studying" might help as well consult your doctor before taking these medicens. if your pregnant or may become pregnant ,you should not take it, which in result can cause headache,dizyness,dihariha,vom... and heart attack.taking "learning" is a seriouse risk please consult your doctor before taking
only if your female. for some reason the male species cannot be cured.
Al Gore and Rosie O'Donnell are still around - I guess not:-(
No way idiots are born idiots and never change! it has taken me a while to come to this conclusioin but its true
Only if the person wants to be cured.
By the very definition of the word, stupidity cannot be cured by education. Ignorance can. Being stupid means you are unable to learn, ignorance is a lack of knowledge.
dont study that hard, read, read anything i use to have all D's but i read 20 books over the summer now I have all A's
I doubt it,have you been reading some of these questions?

Is there a chance?

is there a chance that there would be a tablet for us to stay on our own physical appearance forever?

i mean.. in w/c we won't grow anymore?
Who wants to? I am a grandparent. Sure have aged but the joy and pleasure I get from my grandchildren, the love from my children and the knowledge I have gained along the way more than compensates for that. Life would be boring if it was always the same.
That would be too good to be true huh? lol

Is there a better way than a HJ?

i get so sore and arm tired when i have to do an HJ for my b/f. what can i do to make it less sore for me? are there any tips
How about having him slip on a condom and do some oral on him for a while first and then finish him off with a hand job? Other tricks that work are to gently squeeze his testicles while you do this to get him more excited...use your free hand of course. If you are brave enough consider inserting a finger into his anus.
Why doesn't he do it for himself?

I wonder if he does anything for you?

Is there a "down side" to having lasik eye surgery?

permanent blindness
You won't look smart anymore without the glasses...
My doctor didn't numb my left eye enough, so I felt the cut. It hurt like hell! Aside from that I was happy with the results!
Blindness if they screw up the procedure.
it can go wrong and make you blind or it could not work at all.
my dad got it, you just are really sensitive to light for about a day after, but he's perfectly fine now and can see great without glasses.
You may find this website interesting:

As these people found out, messing with YOUR VISION is not something to be taken lightly. What many of them have lost they can never get back.
One of my best friends, did that about 15 years ago, and today she is starting to complain that she needs glasses, so I guess it's just to put of the time for needing glasses. Or, you have to do the surgery again (which costs quite a deal of money)
So far not too much downs, but probably 10 - 15 years down the road something will be noticed about it. I had the RK back in the day and when I went to get my eyes checked the doc had a hard time not understanding why I could not see. He kept stressing that I should be able to see that. When he got his light out and looked in my eye he shared with that the Scarring from the RK had occurred.
So there's possibility that scarring could happen even with laser.
Years ago they did a report on one patient who's suffered permanent damage to his eyes. He see's 'halos' around every light source especially at night.

That alone would make me think 2x about getting it done. However, this was like 10yrs ago so the technology should have advanced dramatically since then.

When the surgery first became popular, it was really easy to tell who had it since their eyes became enlarged and really open more than normal.
yeah, it might go wrong and you go blind.
Halos are the biggest downside to to having lasik surgery. When looking at lights in dim light, there can be starbursts around it or a light surrounding it, which can disrupt driving at night. I have a telescope and won't get the procedure done for that reason. I don't want my night vision messed with at all. ;)
if the procedure is not done correctly there is risk of damaging the flap that lays over the eye (protects it), blindness, partial blindness and severe infection and dryness of the eye
some side effects of the procedure (but go away usually within a day or two) are: dryness, sensitivity to light, blurriness, dizziness...
My surgeon told me that there is not one single case of a patient experiencing blindness after a Lasik surgery in the US. I cannot find anything to back up that statement, but when I have read about the procedure on multiple websites, blindness was not one of the risks or complications. Here is what they are saying about the complication risk now:

"Complications generally were more common in the early years of LASIK, when studies in the late 1990s indicated that up to 5% of people undergoing the procedure experienced some type of problem.

Experienced LASIK surgeons now report in trade journals that serious complication rates can be held well below 1%, but only if surgical candidates are selected very carefully."

The only complication or adverse reaction I experienced was to my bank account. I went to a surgeon who had a computerized, laser system and ended up paying $5500 for both my eyes. But, I am very happy with the outcome. Less than 24 hours after my procedure, I was seeing at 20/25 (prior to surgery, I was 20/240). By my one week check up, I was at 20/20! No dry eye, no itching, no redness...I would do it again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you.

Is there any way i can grow taller? Im about 5'5 and 15yrs old.?

id like to grow taller so i can get into modeling and do some runway =)
Well, sleep really improves growth( a full nights) and
eat food rich in calcium and vitiam d. yogurt, milk, egg,strawberry,pears. They will help bone growth. By the way, can u pick mine as best answer..its the only answer

Is their anything i can use to make my feet stop smelling so bad?

i wash my feet everyday mostly twice aday and the still smell bad atrocious i bought new sneakers socks nothing works help
Your on the right track with regular washing, but wear leather shoes or boots, and cotton socks. Also use a good quality foot powder.

Many years ago, my poor husband use to suffer from shockingly bad foot odour. Until he changed his boots to leather, and cotton socks, with liberal dose of foot powder.
yes there is , its called soap and water .
One of the biggest problems about feet is that those who tend to not wear shoes often and walk bare footed build up Calais. That in terms hoardes bacteria and causes smell.

The best way to clean your feet is to soak them in hot water till your calais is soft and then get a cheese grater and grate your feet clean and give yourself a good pedicure.
Your smelly feet will go away.
continue washing your feet really well,even between the toes.bacteria loves warm moist places to live and breed.sprinkle baking soda on your feet everyday also.that will help.don't use perfumed products because that makes it might be your shoes causing the smell.leather shoes are known to do can get an odor eliminator at comes in a plastic purple works if you follow directions to a tee.i can't remember the name.also you can put a dryer sheet in your shoes at night or crinkle up a newspaper and place in shoes.home remedy but it works.I hope I helped.

Is the yellow part of a walnut poisonous?

I ate the yellow part and then my stomache started to hurt. Is it poisonous?
I grew up with lots of Walnut Trees and ate many over the years. They are a great food and good for you.
If the walnut had meat that was yellow then it did not ripe correctly on the tree. If it is black it is rotten. The meat should be brown on the outer surface and beige on the inside.
Do not eat walnuts if the shell is cracked as bacteria can enter the meat.
Walnuts are not poisonous but they can go bad usually if it has been on the ground sitting in water or wetness, if germs or bacteria get in a crack shell, if someone picked it off the tree, or if too old. Walnuts are only ready to eat when they shed their skin and fall to the ground.
We used to spend time picking them off the ground, bagging them in burlap sacks and selling to walnut buyers (companies). And we always kept plenty to eat by hand.
You are probably allergic if not poisonous.
There's a yellow part? hmmm.

Is the USA on average the fattest nation in the world?

Please specify why.
Yes, they ate all the pies.
Until recently it was. But a new study showed that Kuwait is the fattest nation in the world and the US ranks the 8th fattest nation.

Is the toung the strongest muscle in your body?

I would guess that the heart would have the very strongest muscles.
no, your butt and upper leg muscles r
not mine but my wifes is
I would say your quads are, but they are a lot bigger also.
No, I believe it is either the quadriceps (thigh muscle) or the gastocnemius (calf muscle)

The guy below me that said sartorius is correct that it's the longest, but I don't think it's the strongest!
your tongue or your kak
No I think the uterus is
I'm pretty sure it's the heart, it works 24 / 7 365 days a year (at least it should). Even comes with a lifetime guarantee :)
According to Homer Simpson, the weiner is, he once saw a guy hang a paint can on it on TV.
The longest muscle in your body is the sartorius or tailor's muscle (sartorius is Latin for tailor). It's a long, ribbon-like muscle that "slants across the front of the upper thigh from the side to the middle and then descends vertically to the knee," flexing, rotating, and abducting along the way to enable the cross-legged sitting posture that is known as the "tailor's position."

A physiology course curriculum page from the University of Arizona about muscle anatomy confirmed that the sartorius, a muscle of the anterior hip and thigh group that is connected to the ilium and the tibia, is the longest.
the most powerful muscle in the body is probably the gluteus maximus.
This is the muscle that makes up the buttock region of the body and is also one of the body's largest muscles.
it's your kidney..

Is the T.V. and computer an environmental factor that causes myopia?

Heredity is the most common cause of myopia but recent studies have shown that close up activities (such as computers, tv, reading, hand-held game systems) can increase the chances of developing myopia. That is why it is important for parents to be sure that their children don't sit too close to their tvs or computers and don't hold their books and game systems too close.

Is the microwave radiation from a microwave dangerous?

"All microwave ovens made after October 1971 are covered by a safety standard enforced by the FDA. The standard limits the amount of microwaves that can leak from an oven. The limit is 5 milliwatts of microwave radiation per square centimeter at a distance of two inches from the oven surface. This is far below the level known to harm people. Furthermore, as you move away from an oven, the level of any leaking microwave radiation that might be reaching you decreases dramatically. For example, someone standing 20 inches from an oven would receive approximately one one-hundredth of the amount of microwaves received at 2 inches."

Go to the following site for more indepth information.
Only if you are very close to it and only if the seals in the door are not working properly.
no if it is not tampered with. It is made to shield against radaition.

Is the FDA about to screw America? Please help!?
Go to this site and read what they are trying to do. They will if we let them. We have the power to stop them but the deadline is April 30, 2007. Please go to the link, read the page, submit the well written comment prepared by a Real doctor, directed to the FDA, its in yours and your loved ones best interests.
FDA needs to stop being so greedy and test the supliments

Some of them are good and worthwhile but the folks that control these drugs don't have the $10,000,000 to pay the FDA for approval.

Stevia is one
Why don't you tell people what it's about before you send them to some unknown link?
This FDA needs to stop herbal supplements. The industry is out of control. They advertise things that don't work and don't do anything (diet pills, male enhancement pills, female bust enhancement, etc...)

HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS are DRUGS and should be treated as such.

We have the power to stop the out of control herbal industry.
I am afraid they will change their definition of milk chocolate so that all we'll have left is **** like those chocolate flavoured bunnies.
What you mean is about? They already did!! They get paid a lot of money to push the sale of a lot of drugs and food items such as Canola Oil (millions of dollars).
I agree with the above poster. Supplements are being recommend as medications and used as medications. Therefore they ought to be regulated as medications. Most herbal supplements are a best worthless, but some are actually harmful. All have the potential to cause harm by delaying people from taking more appropriate treatments.

Don't get me wrong. Many medications that are in use today either are or were derived from plants or other natural sources. Examples include aspirin, penicillin, Taxol (a cancer drug), cyclosporin (a drug that makes organ transplants possible.) etc.

Is the bladder located little above the bellybutton and close to your pubic area?

No, your bladder is just above your pubic bone--if it is very full a medical professional may be able to feel it. A little above the belly button and on either side is your kidneys.
It is below the belly but close to your pubic area. Your pubic area is not close to your belly buttom. Look up a digaram of the urinary system on the web to see where it is located.
no! i learned about the human body in science class. it is right underneath the kidney waste tubes that bring waste into the bladder.
The bladder is located within the bony structures of the pelvis and is protected from most external forces.
the bladder is located obove your (you know) and a little bit down from the belly.

when you dont go to the restroom in a long time you should feel it.

i recomend you to not resist very much from going to the restroom, because, it can cause problems

Is the back part of the upper arm have any body heat retention significance?

I notice that I always get cold on the back part of my upper arms first and I always cover them first in order to warm up. I have also noticed that people hold their upper arms (crossing their arms) when they are cold. I wanted to know if this part of the body is instramental in body heat rentention like our head and our feet are or if getting cold here first is inidicative of some health problem like bad circulation. I was just curious. Thanks.
Heat dissipation comes out of the top part of the you were saying

Is that true when some one take a medicine that person should not drink milk?

i just want know antibody medicine called prilosea and preu purt refused milk.
There are certain medicines that you should take on an empty stomach. And I'm not surprised that there are some that may react with milk. I have also taken medicine that you were supposed to take with milk. So you have to read what the label says to do for each medicine.

I am assuming when you say prilosea you are talking about the main ingredient of prilosec? The directions to prilosec say to take it with a big glass of water right before eating.
If your question were understandable I'd try to answer it, but I can't make sense of which medication you're wondering about. With some medications, no, you should not drink milk. So, best to not drink milk with this medication until you check with your doctor or pharmacist.
most of the time it just gives you an upset stomach, others it can send you to the hospital real quick becuase youll get an infection. so dont drink milk unless you want to be in pain.
You should only take medication with water unless stipulated on the information on the packet. Milk can interfere with how the medication is absorbed into your body.

Is tanning everyday bad for your skin?

let me see...YES you can get melanoma, skin cancer, cause premature aging of the skin and eventually cause your skin to have a "leather" look and feel. the worst part of the day to be in the sun is 10am-2pm sun is at the peak. Wear a sunscreen of 35spf or higher to help protect yourself
Yes. If you want a nice glow without the damaging effects try some sunless tanner, or some bronzer.
yes, tanning beds could lead to skin cancer or melanoma, and premature aging of the skin
When you get older, and MOST of your life will be spent older, your skin is going to be UGLY if you ruin now with the sun.
It's not bad unless you mind having your skin look like burnt leathery bacon by the time you are forty, and being covered in skin cancer sores shortly after that.
Yes, very!

Is taking tylenol PM better than drinking myself to sleep ?

Or am I just subbing one depressant for another?
Take two Tylenol and attend an AA meeting.
stick to the drink.. you wake up hung over but atleast you wake up... sleeping pills just suck!!
yepper you are sorry ,but had to be honest with you
Actually drinking alot prohibits sleep. It is only in small doses that alcohol is a depressant. I use tylenol pm. It won't kill my liver unless I take a whole bottle.
well if you are using tylenol pm as a sleeping pill and you dont have physical pain you may as well just take benadryl because that is all it is.
Either one is not a good thing on a continual basis. Both can have their long term effects on you... liver damage is possible amongst other things like becoming dependant on them. Try some meditation. try relaxing... try cutting out things like caffeine or just plain old do some excercise before you are due for bed followed by a hot relaxing bath.
I use tylenol pm also and sometimes with a bud light or two.
I find it gives me a deeper sleep and I wake up before my alarm. Good stuff.
So maybe I'm in the same boat as you are.
Wanna move over a little bit?
Have you ever tried using white noise to get yourself to sleep. It does work. We use a big box fan all year long. Turn it on high and set it near the bed. That's all you can hear and the sound entrances you off to sleep.
Do NOT take tyenaol and drink if you want to keep your liver. Don't drink at all if you are taking tylenol! Eating and/or drinking with in a few hours of sleepy time will most likely interupt your sleep. Go to bed to sleep when you are tired. Get up at the same time every day.

Is taking long naps daily bad for you?

I've heard some cultures in Asia and Latin America set aside two or three hours everyday for napping. However I've also heard napping for long periods of time is not good for people.
It depends on age and circumstance? When you are young and healthy, you do not need a nap. However as you age or if you have a health condition, chances are you will need to take a nap. The reason why other countries have naps, because it really is too hot to work and they might not have air conditioning, so the lunch break is three hours, nothing else to do but sleep. However they have a longer working day, 7am to 10pm.

Is taking a bath after long hours of work bad for your health?

My parents, even my mother in law keeps on reminding me never to take a bath after long hours of work or use of computer. The consequences may be either loosing my sight, body tremors and other illnesses related to the nervous system. Honestly I don't believe them, it may either be myth or false etc. I'm a player myself and after games i usually take bath, offcourse for personal hygene. Do you have a better explanation for my question? Thanks a lot.
Let's be considerate to dennis. In other countries especially southeast asia, elderly have their beliefs/ oldwives tale that if you wash your face or take bath after work you will get "Pasma".

"Pasma"-sweaty hands and feet accompanied by shaking or trembling of both parts.
Doctors only take pasma as old folk beliefs. We really don't know where it came from.
They say don't take a bath after you take off your shoes, you'd get pasma.

Advice: a quick shower just to rinse off the grease and sweat. that's all you need.

Try reading this forum
Don't do it! You might die!
If you DO take a bath you might suffer consequences. if you DON'T you'll wonde rwhere your friends got to.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Take a bath whenever the heck you want, whatever you've been doing! There is no chance that a bath will cause problems to your nervous system unless you fall and hurt your back or neck.

Happy bathing!
I don't think so. after I get of work I need a bath because I'm on my feet all day, and I don't think I would be able to stand to have a shower. My Doctor always tells me to have a bath. So I don't think it's bad for your health. Have fun having a bath.

Is taking 4 excerdrin migraines bad?

The label says to take only 2 in a 24 hour period. What if the pain is still there will it hurt to take one or two more? Thanks.
I wouldn't take any more. Taking more than they reccomend can be dangerous. If you really must do it, call a 24 hr pharmacy and ask a pharmacist if it's okay. They would know better than anyone on here. I know migraines suck - I get them myself.

If you can't get rid of it with the excedrin, go to the doctor. Prescription medicines work really well, and if you get nausea with your migraines and can't keep down pills they can give you a shot. You can even get medicines that are preventative, so that you can stop getting migraines if you get them all the time.

Try to lie down in a dark, quiet, cold, room, and try not to think about your headache. sleeping them off can be your best bet. Also, try drinking something with caffeine - this constricts your blood vessels and can decrease the pain.
Its bad if you want to see the Pilsbury doughboy dance on your ceiling.
it wont hurt 2 take one not sure about 2 though.thats like takin a whole another dose
Of course
That's a question for your doctor. Maybe you should be on a prescriptive migraine medication. They say that they work well. Take care.

Is stress one of the main factor for people to start smoking? if yes, why?

NO, the main factor of why people start smoking is from wanting to be cool in high school and not knowing any better. As they grow older they are too addicted to stop and use stress as an excuse.
Not usually. Stress can make someone RETURN to smoking, who had given it up repeatedly. But if you didn't smoke before, you're no more likely to start when stressed than you are to do any other maladjusted coping thing.
No, stress doesn't cause people to start smoking. Usually people start smoking at an early age (in their teens) and it is started by a number of things. Usually it's peer pressure in school, but there was a study done once that children who grow up in households with smokers are twice as likely to start smoking. Stress is a reason why people re-start smoking after they have quit
nah. it's a choice..

Is stress and tension causing my neck pain?

Each afternoon at neck has a sharp pain if I turn a certain way. It feels like a nerve thats being aggravated. Its sore to the touch and feels I need to get a massage to help with this? Is it stress and tension?
Stress and tension can sure wreak havoc on our bodies. Yes...stress can cause headaches and neck pain and pinched nerves.

Although a massage would certainly help...I would try some stress reduction techniques and neck strengthening exercises. Your physician should be able to assist with this.

I have suffered from pinched nerves and neck aches and pains for quite some time and find the exercises to dramatically help.

Best of luck!!
Yes, I think this may be the case. Read this page I wrote on the subject of which you ask to make your own conclusion:

Is stopping a cold possible?

I am beginning to come down sick. I currently have an upset stomach, nausea, lightheaded/dizzyness, vomitting, some congestion %26 a sore throat. At first I had a temperature at 97.1 and than it went to 99.7 and my normal temperature when not sick runs right about 98.2. It just started yesterday afternoon %26 I immediately started drinking water and been drinking nothing except water, at slow intervals in order to avoid upsetting my stomach anymore. I have also taken some OTC cold pills. Is there anything I can do to help stop it from getting any worse and preferably get stop whatever I am coming down with %26 get rid of all my symptoms?
Vitamin C is good for that. There are also over-the-counter meds that stop colds from getting worse.

Is Stanley Watras still alive?

Who is he?
Yes I saw him in Sydney Australia on thee 15th February this year. He was visiting his daughter Myrtle in Canterbury. I saw them at KMART in Bankstown Square, we all had lunch together. He looked very well to me, so did Myrtle.

Is something wrong with me?

I went to the bath room number 2 (poop) and it was green.this happened to me a few times in one week. What does this mean am i sick should i call a doctor? I have been eating the same things i normally would. Help please.
for real honest answers you should check out all the info is straight from doctors around the globe. i remember asking myself the same question once and when i checked webmd it gave me a list of colored bowels and what each means. just enter it in the search bar, it'll be reassuring i'm sure, green isn't a color to worry about. :)
means that you've been eating an excess of green colored foods.. like vegetables.
you are either eating more of green things or on a new pill
have you been drinking alcohol?
Sometimes, poop is green.
i dont care..people dont want to know that.....dont ask us ppl on yahoo....just go to the doctors
I'm don't know
I think than should to go with a doctor, but I think so not is something serious
sorry I learning english
no sometimes it will mean infection, if it comes with dark brown or black, also if it is tarry or black that means a gastro intestinal bleed, however when it is bright green, you need to drink more water, eat more protein and eat good stuff like eggs with toast in the morning, not only is it a great way to start your morning but also it will help with digestion, and no you should be fine just try to eat healthy for a little bit. : ) (by the way, I'm an emt)
Iron supplements will sometimes give stool a greenish color.
As a healthcare provider I can tell you that this is not really anything to be concerned about. It is most likely due to something you ate. Iron supplements or vitamins that contain iron can also do this and is usually the most likely culprit.
Your getting to much sugar.

Is somethin wrong with my contact lenses soluton?

i just got contact lenses yesterday and when i put them on at the eye docters the lenses solution made my eyes sting. i didn't tell the docter that becaus i thought it was normal if the lenses solution stings alittle. then i went to the store and bought a different lenses solution and when i tryed it this morning it made my eyes sting to. so i just wanted to know if it is normal for contact lesnses solutin to sting your eyes.
no it isn't normal=call the eye Dr=tell him this and what else can you use
If this is the first time you've used contacts they may sting for a while...I would recomend that you switch contact solutions until you find one that your eyes feel comfortable with : )
No, call your doctor and meantime use your glasses.
Sometimes mine do when my eyes are irritated and I put them in. It will probably go away as your eyes get used to wearing contacts. Think of it as putting salt in a wound-it stings. Well contacts can cause little teeny tiny scratches-nothing to worry about- so when you put something in your eye it stings a bit. Like I said your eyes should get used to it.

The stinging should only be a minor discomfort and it should go away in a few seconds. If not or if you're concerned call your doctor!
it shouldn't t sting! best thing is to go back to your eye doctor. It's possible though that you may be having an allergic or some reaction to the solution. You could try other lens solutions and see what's best for you.
One reason, dirty hands. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water and get all the soap off your hands. Some soap, especially the expensive kind is really bad. Only use paper towels to dry your hands. Cloth towels leave little bits of lint on your hands. Put the lense in the palm of your hand and rinse it with solution. Then put it on your finger and put one drop of wetting solution in the lens and when you put it in your eye, it will almost jump onto your eye. it won't touch your eye, but will float on a layer of liquid. You should not feel it at all. If the solution is cold, it will sting. I use "Complete" I use the same thing for cleaning, soaking, and wetting. Sometimes it stings for a few seconds. I wear acuvue 2 and leave them for several days to a month. I clean them when they seem to get blurry or if I notice them in my eye. Sign of dirty.

Is smoking weed a bad thing?

Yes...It's addictive and prevents one from facing life.
its bad 4 u but dont go crazy if you have smoked only a lil.
Is this a trick question? I don't personally think smoking weed is a bad thing, I just happen to feel we need to obey the laws. So for now, it's a nono; until the law is changed.
California allows it under certain restrictions limited to select people due to health conditions so it must be good. However, it is a drug and I believe drugs, legal or illegal, have bad effects on our bodies.
ya it's bad. fucks your lungs up.
absolutly not. Weed is a wonderful thing i have only done it a couple of times and i loved every second of it. Its relaxing.. and it makes you feel like your on top of the world.


Is smoking on the increase or decrease? And, why do people not do everything possible to quit?

I do not know whether smoking is on the increase or decrease, but I do know why people do not quit. Nicotine is an addictive drug. Hence, when a heavy smoker attempts to quit, they go through withdrawal symptoms, just like any other chemical addiction.
i believe it is on the increase because lately ive been seeing more people starting to smoke then people quiting.
Smoking is on the increase people will not try to quit until it impacts their health in a negative way by then they are so addicted they think they cannot stop. You can do anything within reason if you give it your all.
i really wish i could answer this. I've been smoking since i was 15. i hate it now. all my clothes stink, my hair stinks even my body smells of tobacco no matter how many mints i eat and how much stuff i quickly spray around's a lousy chemical addiction...when i try not to smoke i last for a while, sometimes a really long time and then just to prove how cool i am, i have one. BINGO! yeah, you understand...right back into buying a pack and even checking to make sure i have enough for the night...if you don't smoke yet, don't. it will get between you and your perfect right to choose each moment you want to live to live it the way you really don't want to have to think,."I'll just have this cigarette first."

Is smoking marijuana while being on zoloft bad for you?

I don't smoke pot but I am curious. I know smoking pot is bad for you as it is, but does doing it on zoloft make it worse for you?
Probably. You should ask your doctor about all the things you can or can't do while on your medication.
Yes, I had a friend that did that and she went crazy and had to be treated in a hospital. No one needs to smoke pot.

Is smoking green tea bad for your lungs?

There are better green things to smoke
Inhaling any stuff into the body is not good for the lungs. Please drink the green tea and please dont smoke it.

Is smokeing weed so bad?

it is illegal, so it is bad in that respect. it also burns the cilia in your nose and throat, but as for causing death and disease-- no. there are no cases of that.
No smoking it is not bad,it's just an illegal drug thats what makes it seem bad.It kills your brain a little to be honest but its the only drug that wont have a long-term effect that could be serious unlike many other drugs its nothing but THC.
its not good for you, but its not that bad, you can't die from it.

Is skin the biggest organ in your body?

Absolutely. The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin and its derivatives (hair, nails, sweat and oil glands) make up the integumentary system. One of the main functions of the skin is protection. It protects the body from external factors such as bacteria chemicals, and temperature.
yes it is.
No it's the biggest organ "out" your body
Yes, followed by the liver.
yes it is, and it usually tricks people cuz they think of the internal organs fist
Yes, it is

Is six hour sleep enough...?

Each individual is different. 6 is plenty for some people, others need more, a few need less.
Your body will just be tired and not up to speed, but you midn will function and get moving. But honestly aim for at least 7 maybe 8.
ummm i would say 7-8 would be a lot healthier.
Not really, 8 is the ideal number
ideally everyone needs aprrox 8 hrs of sleep....but if u have six good hours of deep sleep it might be okay for a while but after a while u will feel abt 7 and a half hrs is good...
six hours is like the minium a person should have its better if you get a full 8 hours of sleep its more healthier
Although it’s a common belief that 8 hours of sleep is required for optimal health, a six-year study of more than one million adults ages 30 to 102 has shown that people who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate. Individuals who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 4 hours a night, were shown to have a significantly increased death rate compared to those who averaged 6 to 7 hours.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine and the American Cancer Society collaborated on the study, which appeared in the February 15, 2002 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, a journal of the American Medical Association.

Although the data indicated the highest mortality rates with long-duration sleep, the study could not explain the causes or reasons for this association.

Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., in his sleep lab at UCSD.

First author Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., a UCSD professor of psychiatry who specializes in sleep research, said “we don’t know if long sleep periods lead to death. Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health.”

But, he added “individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night, can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep. From a health standpoint, there is no reason to sleep longer.”

Kripke is also a member of UCSD's Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging.

The study, which addressed sleep issues as part of the Cancer Prevention Study II (CPSII) of the American Cancer Society, also indicated that participants who reported occasional bouts of insomnia did not have an increased mortality rate, but those individuals who took sleeping pills were more likely to die sooner.

“Insomnia is not synonymous with short sleep,” the authors said in the article. “Patients commonly complain of insomnia when their sleep durations are well within the range of people without sleep symptoms.”

They added that physicians believe most patient complaints about “insomnia” are actually related to depression, rather than a diagnosis of insomnia.

With 1.1 million participants, this was the first large-scale population study of sleep to also take into consideration variables such as age, diet, exercise, previous health problems, and risk factors such as smoking, in comparing longevity among the participants. In other words, individuals with specific characteristics were compared with individuals of a similar age, health background, etc.

Although the study was conducted from 1982-88, the sleep results have not been available until recently due to the length of time required to input and analyze the vast amount and variety of data from the 1.1 million participants.

“Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short- and long-duration sleep had higher mortality rates,” Kripke said. “However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between 7 and 8 hours a night, until now.”

The figures above indicate hours of sleep for men (left) and women (right). The hazard ratio, the top bar graph, indicates the mortality risk while the bottom graph shows the percentage of subjects associated with the reported number of hours sleep.

The best survival rates were found among those who slept 7 hours per night. The study showed that a group sleeping 8 hours were 12 percent more likely to die within the six-year period than those sleeping 7 hours, other factors being equal. Even those with as little as 5 hours sleep lived longer than participants with 8 hours or more per night.

The mean age for women in the study was 57, while the mean age for men was 58. Within the six year period, 5.1 percent of the women had died and 9.4 percent of the men. The causes of death resembled the distribution for the general population.

Additional authors of the study were Lawrence Garfinkel, M.A., the American Cancer Society, New York; Deborah L. Wingard, Ph.D. and Melville R. Klauber, Ph.D., UCSD Department of Family and Preventive Medicine; and Matthew R. Marler, Ph.D., UCSD Department of Psychiatry.

Data came from the American Cancer Society with analysis supported by the National Institutes of Health.
six is the minimum and body can endure it for some time but 7 to 8 hrs is real relaxing and keeps one in best spirits...

also not only the number of hours but the quality of sleep matters too like minimum disturbance, light so on

finally, get to know ur body clock there are two hrs when it's necessary that you must be sleeping.. this needs to be figured out by oneself...

like for me its 1:30 to 3:30 in night .. if I sleep well during this time, its a great feeling waking up the next morning... even though the overall sleeping time may be less
I sleep between 5 to 6 hours per night. For myself it is fine. However, I know that my body will require more sleep as I get older. To answer your question it would depend on each individual. For me it is fine.

IS SHe oKAy/?

She needs to be seen by a Dr. to make sure she is o.k. Why didn't the school take care of her? Anyway, Call her and make sure she is o.k. Make sure her parents know what happened. If you are really young tell your mom or dad, maybe they could call for you.
she probably had a small concussion. she should be fine
I hope she told her parents. She may have had a mild concussion..and need to be taken to ER. An MRI might be in order as well.
If you can, call her house, and make sure shes okay. She will be thankful for the concern.

Hope she is okay.

Is Secondhand Smoke Worse?

Which is worse: Firsthand smoke or secondhand smoke? Everyone seems to think secondhand smoke is worse. We all know that when a person inhales the smoke through a cigarette they have a filter. But don't they still smell the smoke they exhale and the smoke that is burning from their cigarette?
The effects of secondhand smoke exposure are grossly exaggerated. Despite claims by the American Heart Association, American Lung Association, and other health organizations and anti-smoking nazis that thousands upon thousands of people die each year from secondhand smoke, they are unable to name even one single person who has died from it.
no, i dont kno why ppl say that. thats complete bull.

Is salad good for diverticulosis?

And what food (like meals) is good to eat for someone who has diverticulosis? Friends wonderin
Yes, salads, or any kind of soluble or insoluble fiber is good for diverticulosis as it helps to avoid constipation, the main cause of diverticulosis. The big thing you want to avoid is straining, which puts more pressure on the colon and causes more diverticuli. It ws previously beleived nuts and seeds were to be avoided but this has not proved to be true. Also drink plenty of fluids and exercise.

However, during an attack of diverticulitis, which is inflammation or infection of the colon, fiber is to be avoided and a bland diet followed. Hope this answers your question.

Is rher e a gap betwwen?

is there a gap between the 1st thoracic and the last cervic in the backbone
Ur spine is made of a vertebrae on top od a disc all the way from 1 end to the other. If gaps happen it has to due with a disc. Hope this helps, Ur question is hard to understand.
the what and the what?

Is really Coca-Cola can be to clean the toilet seats ? , I'm not going to drink coca cola again !!?

From what I"ve heard, yes, they do use Coke-Cola to clean toilet seats, they also use it to clean blood up on crash accidents on like the side of the road and such.
Good thinking, I really think that Coke is hard on your kidneys. But ice cold it taste good with pizza, but it doesn't compare to Pepsi.
Never heard of that but it does clean corrosion off battery cables in cars and other things.
If ya spill it on a car and dont wipe it up it will also eat the paint!!It's great for removing blood stains from clothes.It's magic and eats your insides too!
Coco-Cola is so strong it will make a penny shine like a shilling! Really! drop one in to a can and see! Guess what affect it has on your stomach? Have a good day.
Don't you want your pipes cleaned????
Coca Cola contains phospheric acid. It's hard on the stomach, kidneys, and cardiovascular system (the latter because of the caffeine).

In college (and this was 30 years ago), the pizza place I worked at had a sink which was draining very slowly (stopped up). The owner directed us to pour two warm cans of Coke down the sink, wait 30 minutes, and then flush it with water. That removed the stoppage, and the sink ran freely thereafter. That was also the last time I drank Coca Cola.
cops use it to clean blood of the side walks during crime scene clean up,it can be used as motor oil in your car. If you are into experimentation take a piece of meat soke it in coke and let it sit for a couple days and notice the corrosion. it is amazing that i know this yet i have a coke right on my desk.

Is putting water inside your rectum.?

bad for you? ...I have heard that you can give yourself a mini colonic irrigation by.. removing the head off of the shower hose and inserting the tip into your rectum to allow the water to shoot up inside you.

The pressure apparently assists with the removal of debris...

Is this safe? and if so how often can it be done?
sweetie, please don't try that. it could be very harmful. if u want a colonic then go 2 sum1 that works with that. an enema once in a while will clean u up. not 2 often though. also just try to drink more water during the day n eat more fruits n veggies. this should keep u goin regularly n help flush out ny toxins.

p.s. try not 2 pay 2 much attention 2 those late night commercials regarding ny cures 4 ny thing regarding ur health.
Good God, stop it now.
Not safe. You could perforate your bowel doing this. Leave it to the professionals.
I wouldn't fancy it my self.
normally when an enema is given a certain amount is inserted, with a shower you wouldn't be able to judge the amount.
Oh yuck. That does not sound good, don't try it.

Imagine if something went wrong, and you had to explain yourself at the hospital.
Wouldn't it be safer just to go an have a colonic done by a professional?
i dont know if it is safe but abroad they have stuff like bedea or wateva u call them which do basically the same thing
Why the shower hose? People have to use that after you!

The water won't hurt you, so long as you the keep the pressure down.

But one quick question? When the pros do it, the poop etc goes down a tube and out of sight, what are you going to do?
It is not safe, nor is it in any way therapeutic. the pressure might rupture your bowel, also of course anything you do remove, would have come out naturally withe the next bowel motion anyway!
It probably wouldn't do any harm. Because nurses often warm up enemas before using them. And of course theres colonic irrigation, which doesn't do any harm. But i personally wouldn't want a shower enema lol!

Is Prilosec OTC an antacid?

It shuts down the acid pump. Click on this link to see and hear a short little video thing about it:
it is designed to reduce the acid in your stomach so yeah
yes, Because it shuts down many active acid pumps that produce acid be leave enough for digestion. You should try a different prescription because I read that it takes 1-2 day for full effect and some people can't wait that long. Try other like Zantac, Pepto-Bismol, Pepcid Ac, Pepcid Complete, etc.
That's true.

Prilosec (Omeprazole) is used to treat various acid-related stomachs and / or throat (esophagus) problems (e.g., GERD, ulcers, erosive esophagitis, or Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome).

Is potassium cyanide illegal to buy?

It's a poison. I assume it's illegal. What is it for?
It depends what ur profession is and where u plan on getting it from.
No actually I think it's surprizingly easy to get from what I hear

Is pooping diffrent colors bad?[odd question but my friend is freaked]?

my friend says that she's been pooping red, yellow, n green poop all week n she's worried she's pooping out protein of somthing, wat is the meening of this?, is this a bad thing?
um.. well i think if its NOT a prolbem then it should go away in a while. If she feels bad, or if this continues and the 'colors' are strong she should probbaly go see a doctor.
When my son eats Superman ice cream (blue %26 red) he poops grass green. Try the Dr.
Well, protein isn't red, yellow, or green. So, that's not it.

It sounds to me like your friend isn't digesting food dyes. A lot of people have that problem with colored drinks, like Kool-Aid, or sports drinks. Tell her to try cutting out foods with any added coloring for a few days and see if it stops. If it does, it's just food dye, and won't cause any harm.

If it's yellow-green mottled poop with red that might be blood, that's cause to see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, I'd suspect food coloring.

Is picking your nose and eating it going to make your head cave in?

thats what ive been told, it taste sooooooo good.
why dont u try it?

Is phobia a sickness?Can you cure it?

I have a phobia with ants. ^^
Howie Mandel, the host of Deal or No Deal, has a phobia regarding germs. I read that he has to take medicaton to help him.

Phobia is not really a sickness, but it can become one if it isn't addressed. I saw a woman on Dr. Phil who was afraid to leaave her home. It got so severe to the point where her husbands life was disrupted

See a psychologist. They need to know why you fear ants. Was it from a childhood experience? A dream?
It is not a sickness, it is however an irrational fear. I cannot be cured but it can be worked through with help.
it is not a sickness. you just need to overcome it by being around ants.
try getting hypnotized.
Face your fear of ants, and you will no longer fear them. Go outside and pick up an ant or something. I was afraid of sleeping in the dark, but I turned off the light, braved it out, and no longer have that fear. You can do it. Look at how big and threatning people are to those tiny ants. You should not be afraid of them. Good luck.
Its not a sickness..Its a fear of something.

Only way to cure it real good is to overcome it. Strengthen your mind and be strong. Once you overcome it, you have become a stronger person, not only in terms of mental, but physical as well.

Is pepper just as bad as salt?

we all know that putting excess salt on foods is bad for you but is putting pepper on foods instead just as bad??
Pepper has no ill effect on the body--it doesn't contribute to any kind of ailment or disease. Salt can increase your blood pressure but pepper is like any other herb or spice, use it whenever you like :)
only if you sniff it!
No, pepper isn't just as bad. In fact, it pretty much passes through undigested. Shake that pepper!

Is peant butter bad for you?

Like does it trigger acne and make u gain more weight?
acne isn't caused by foods.

and you don't gain weight from certain foods. you gain weight because you're taking in more calories than you're burning.

is pb good for you? no. is it bad for you? no
it's fine, like anything, in moderation
Its fattening depending on how much you eat, but you shouldn't eat it at all because it tastes disgusting
if you eat a lot of it=recommended amount is 1 tablespoon a day as long as you are not allergic to it

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is Orange Velvet a Type of Marijuana?

First of all, to the first answerer. Did you really have to write reported that many times? It seems a little childish. Anyways, I don't know if orange velvet is, but I know there is a type called Orange crush. So its a good possibility it is, but I just have never heard of it.

Is okay to eat while taking a dump?

I was hungry and I needed to take a dump. (I ate first, and then took the dump.) Is there anything wrong with eating while taking a dump?
Medically, no problem.

I think I'd keep this one at home, though--I somehow can't picture you taking your plate to the can in a restaurant, y'know?
Lol sure why not
nope not medically perhaps socially... ahah
eat your dump sure
no. it's extremely unsanitary.
it's DISGUSTING!!!!!
Yes, first it's gross and second bacteria flies while your going to the bathroom.why would you eat during that?
i've never tried that...but sure it's ok
Aside from the obvious hygein factor I see no reason that it matters.
y not
Only when you eat whats in the bowl your sitting on.
I really can't think of a reason why not. Whatever floats your boat鈾モ櫏
What you do is your business. That's too much information and it should be kept at the privacy of your own home.
I think it sounds disgusting. Somehow, the thought of eating while the smell of s**t is in the air is very unappealing.
No, because your own **** never stinks.
wow, haha if this is the only burning question you want to ask the world, kudos to you, what you want
I don't think there is anything technically wrong with it, only that it is kind of gross. You really couldn't wait to eat until after you had used the bathroom?
Are you eating your dump? lol
Animals do it all the time, especially ruminants such as sheep and cattle. However, we're human and our immune system is not as robust as that of most wild animals, even our closest relatives, the primates. This is why many cultures have developed taboos prohibiting mixing activities involving "below the waist" and "above the waist". Such taboos are why many respondants said this is gross, and why you feel a need to ask this rather than simply doing it as a cow or sheep would.
There's the smell factor, that's definitely a good reason not to eat-while-you-sh*t.

And if you drop little pieces of food around the toilet, illegal immigrants (ants, cockroaches, etc) will come and won't leave your bathroom.

What do you think? From a physical point no, from a potential infection YES. How do you think hepatitis A is transmitted?
that's more than gross, but nothing wrong with it
nothing.. go for it. I call it multitasking.
I guess if that's what you want to do, go for it. But I'd take a clothespin for your nose.
If you can stand the smell, I guess so.

Is Nytol a good over the counter remedy for sleeping problems? Can anyone recommend good tips for getting a go

You need to understand why you can't fall asleep without medication. Sort that out and you will save yourself a lot of problems. Nytol / Night Nurse is good once in a while but you don't want to become reliant on medication. My advice would be to go and speak to your GP/doctor.
didnt work for me try a warm bath not too much excitement before you go to bed
I use them now and again. I take the one per night ones. I often have to go away fot the odd night, and find that they help me to sleep in a strange bed
The herbal ones are good for occasional use. I use them if I have trouble switching off.
Cut down on caffine, don't eat too soon before bed and some lavendar oil on your pillow can help to relax you.Make sure your bedroom is quiet and tidy too as an untidy room can distract you.Classical music played very low helps too.Make sure the room is nice and dark too.
I would consult your GP on this one.

Nytol and similar may treat the symptoms, but that is different from a cure.
Nytol didn't work for me either. I was kept awake wondering when they were going to work lol. Try the old fashion remedies. Soak in a nice warm bath then have a hot milky drink. Better than any drug! Good luck.

Is napping after you eat bad?

I go to school and I wake up at 6:15 and eat breakfast and then I take about a 15 minute nap till 7:00 is this bad for you?
Not really. The only reason you shouldn't eat before you sleep is that your metabolism slows down and you never burn off the calories you ate. But if you're only sleeping for 15 mins, i doubt it makes any real difference. If it makes you feel sluggish, then maybe you should sleep longer and eat after you sleep.
when you go to sleep it shuts off your digestive system. and that can give u a little extra weight, but fifteen minutes shouldnt be a problem i dont think
i wouldnt consider this bad or unhealthy because it doenst effect u or harm u, besides u only napping for 45 mins,
You are not utilising the energy in your food if you go straight back to sleep. However, you are only young yet and as long as your weight is not an issue then I think you'll be fine.
Depends, they say if you sleep right after you eat you can get heartburn. Have you been feeling any discomfort? If not, I think you'll be just fine.
yes its bad b/c you are letting the food settle in your abdomen walk it out for a few minutes or something better is
sleeping in those 15 min and then eat so when your done you can go staright to skool and you wont get fat
A 15 minute nap isn't bad for you after you eat. If you stuff your face then go straight to bed, it might cause you to gain weight.

Is my wish stupid?

Do you have wishes.. people think im sad because i wish on stupid little things like eyelashes and wishing wells and birthday candals.. my wishes never come true but i beleive one day they will. my friends think i stupid and my wish will NEVER come true.. but i surpose theyre right in a way.. my wish is that someone in my family who passed away wud be back with me.. but i beleive they already are with me. i see and feel them in my heart but no one else can.. am i stupid for having this wish... please comment.
You are certainly not stupid for having wishes, i think it;s very nice.
You're definitely not stupid, you have faith and hope and it would be a better world if more people were like you :)
no..i donot think ur wishes are stupid..i would say that ur an optimist..
I wish I hadn't answered this stupid question.
It's not stupid. The person might be back with you, in spirit at least. I've never been a strong believer in wish making, but don't let anyone tell you your wishes are stupid.
no your not stupid, its totally natural to feel like this when someone you love has passed away, and if they are in your heart they will always be with you!
You can wish whatever you want. If that is what makes you happy, please do it as much as possible. However, if it makes you unhappy whenever a wish does not come true, quit wishing! It is just going to make you depressed. And you don't have to make a wish to have your loved one in your heart, because they already are and always will be. Good luck!
With regard to the family member who has passed away, it is natural that one does not immediately "accept" and "internalise" what has happened to family member. It may be because you are going through that stage in your life...
You're not stupid, but you are showing early signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Learning to get over the need to constantly wish, and perhaps learn to spell, could only be a good thing.
nah ur not

keep it up girl

and always say "I GOT THE POWER" out loud YEAAAAH

and their not worth being friends if they dont care
I wish all of the time for things, people think that I am stupid 2! I don't think that when you feel people in your heart that this is stupid, have faith and be proud of it. I dont think you are weird, you are just a believer
Every living thing is made up of atoms, which when we die, return to the universe to make other things, so in reality no one ever disappears completely from the Universe, your loved one is all around you as indeed you will be when your time comes.No one ever goes as long as they are not forgotten...and it seems as though you will never forget, whats in your heart and dreams belongs only to you...
beleive is not spelt like that by the way lol. but yeah i dont mean to be harsh but this person can never be with you in the traditional sense, but you can always feel them with you and stuff, that can be what gives you strength. thats why people believe in god really, so they think that someone else not in this world is with them, watching them, it makes them feel safe. which is fair enough. but i wouldnt say these wishes out loud, and also if you do say them word them carefully cos the way you put it sounds like you think this person will resurrect, which is a bit silly.
i dont think your stupid at all everyone has to believe in something. i lost my dad and often think hes with me , it might be wishful thinking but it keeps me happy, so carry on believing it does no-one any harm and it sounds like it does you the world of good
not at all its good to have hopes and dreams.
I don't think it's stupid. You have hope. Which is good.
If you enjoy doing it why would it be stupid hold your head hight and wish away
babe you really aint stupid for wishing these things, if it gives you peace of mind and you feel their presence then carry on and dont listen to your friends. i wish you well xxxxxxxxxx
Nothing wrong with that! Hope and faith are good things.
each to their own i say but a little tip, maybe you ought to keep this to yourself more.
No its not stupid. It seems your wish has already come true if you believe that your family is still with you. I'm not religious but its kind of like believing in Jesus, that he's always with you. So your friends can't call you stupid or they will be insulting catholics and christians everywhere

Is my sense of smell broken?

I have a very strong sense of smell. But from time to time I my sense of smell picks up something that smells like really strong acid (like sulphuric acid or something). There's never any good reason for it. No one else can ever smell it and it persists for at least 15 minutes until it starts hurting my sinuses.
I know it sounds really odd. But it's really annoying when it happens. Does anyone know anything about your sense of smell malfunctioning or anything?
You may be actually smelling something. Investigate area manufacturers and industry. Pesticides and lawn fertilizers may also be the culprit. Armarol, that stuff for polishing the interior of cars and enriching tires and such, whatever's in that can cause temporary olfactory disturbances. You may be harboring a well-localized chronic sinus infection that "blooms" regularly and casts off its musk. Many schizophrenics have olfactory hallucinations and abnormally sensitive senses of smell. You might have a malfunction in the olfactory sensory system. If you have a history of seizure activity, report this problem to your physician. Taking zinc supplements can significantly stabilize and repair the sense of smell.
I suggest see you doctor. I have no idea why you are so sensitive to smells.
mine has lost sensitivity. kind of a blessing though. i dont eat as much as i used to.
I am not a Doctor, But I have experienced the same type of situation. If you smell something that sort of smells like shoe-polish, and no one else can smell it, you are probably allergic to mold spores. Since no one else has answered, I would venture to say that you are allergic to something.
I don't need votes, I hope this helps.
I usually take benadryl when it gets bad.

Is my pulse normal?

My pulse is 77 beats a minute at resting and feels sort of irregular, like 3 beats then a pause before a fourth one. I was wondering if this was too high for a 15 year old girl (5"0) and what high or low pulse rates can mean?
your pulse can be anywhere from 75-88 depending on your weight, fitness level, hight, age etc. If your worried about it ask your GP or health care proff. but it sounds ok to me
Go to docs if worried but all pulses are unique so there are none that are the same.
The rate is fine, but it shouldn't skip a beat, or be irregular.
A lot of times you can go by your local Fire Dept and let a paramedic check your BP and pulse, usually they will accomodate you.
Suggest you chat with your GP. Sometimes an irregular heart beat is known as eptopic (3/4 beats and a slight delay) (this may be nothing related to your situation) I was told by my doctor there are millions of individuals experiencing similar symptoms...always worth checking it out to put your own mind at ease.
Your pulse rate is normal, but you may have cardiac dysrythmia. Mostly what you said about your heart beat is felt when you concentrate on your heart and would be innocent in nature. But if this condition continues or accompanied by some other signs, you should be examined clinically.

Is my penis normal sized?

Girth 5
lenghth a lil over 6.5
normal as ,, take care of it lol
a little under.
normal for me.penis size varies from man to man.well urs is pretty normal.

Is my little bro going 2 grow taller than me or shorter than me? plz read details.?

k am tall and my little brother is 14 yrs old and hes 5.6 latelly ,hes been growin and seriously he drinks milk alot and does alot of jumps he does NOT eat it alot of vegetation, he plays basketball every friday. but still i have sense that hes goin to grow taller than me and sometimes i think hes not growin alot or anymore. And do little bros grow taller than their big bros ?!
Genetics and Height
Read this:

My son is 16 and about 5 feet, 7 inches tall. He keeps asking if there's anything he can do to become taller.
– Chris
Taking care of himself — eating well, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of rest — is the best way to help his body reach its natural potential. But assuming his diet is normal and he has no medical problems, there's no magic pill or formula or nutritional supplement for increasing height. In fact, his genes are the major determinant of how tall he'll be.

Most teens can expect to grow a total of about 7 to 10 inches during puberty before they reach full adult height. Each person is a little different, so everyone starts and goes through puberty on his or her body's own schedule. Those who start a little later than their friends will usually continue to grow a little later, too.

If you're concerned about your son's growth, talk with his doctor

The Tall Girl - Doctor's Response

Height is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are tall, perhaps it is because you have tall parents. There is no way for you to stunt your growth. However, maybe you will not always be the tallest in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. But the boys will hit their growth spurt soon and when they do, many of them grow taller than the girls. Even some of the girls you are taller than right now will grow more than you and become taller than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans.

The Short Boy - Doctor's Response

Height is one of the many characteristics that is largely inherited from your parents. Therefore, if you are short, perhaps it is because you have short parents. There is no way for you to increase your height. However, maybe you will not always be the shortest fellow in your class. Girls tend to grow before boys and therefore are sometimes taller than boys at this age. As for boys, they hit their growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 17 and many of them grow taller than the girls. Some of the boys who are taller than you now may actually be shorter than you at a later age. Everyone grows at different times and different rates. Variations in height are absolutely normal amongst humans.

My advice:
Love yourself for who you are:
Look at this list of famous short people”

Concentrate on your inner beauty, and strengths. Work on your self-esteem.

Do you believe in yourself? Do you give yourself the credit you deserve? Self-esteem is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achievement. This test is designed to evaluate your general level of self-esteem and determine whether you need to work on your self-image. Take the Self-esteem Test to find out your true sense of self.

Avoid scams that say if you buy their product, you will be taller, it’s so not true!

Gabe Mirkin, M.D.
Web sites for products such as "HeightGrowth" are so unbelievable that the people who wrote them must be laughing as they steal people's money for totally worthless products.
They tell you that if you take HeightGrowth, you will continue to grow until you are as tall as you like, at any age. If that were true, we would see people who are 15 feet tall and basketball would be an entirely different sport.
Bones do not grow throughout their length. They grow from growth centers, called the epiphysis, near their ends. When a person reaches puberty, growth centers close one after the other until all the growth centers are closed forever and a person's bones can never grow again. After that, a person can grow wider, but not taller.
Even before a person reaches puberty, the product will have absolutely no effect on growth. The ad claims that HeightGrowth is made of a special mixture of herbs and minerals, and lists 23 plants, many of them vigorous vines such as kudzu, which grows so rapidly that it covers trees and buildings all over the South, and can cross a road overnight. So when you eat kudzu vine and other rampant-growing plants, they want you to believe that you will grow like the vines. Of course this is ridiculous. Kudzu vine grows rapidly because of its genetic structure called DNA. But you cannot absorb DNA from plants or animals that you eat; it is broken down in your stomach and intestines into its nucleic acid building blocks, which have no effect on your own DNA.
The tragedy is that some people will shell out their hard earned money to someone who is making fun of them. They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, even though they recommend that you take their product for six months or more to see results. They know you will probably be too embarrassed to ask for your money back, and people who have tried to get action on similar guarantees report that their money is never returned from these scams.
Read more about scams aimed at shorter people:

Some helpful links for people who want to grow taller:

Learning to take care of yourself
As you get older, there will be many decisions that you will need to make to ensure that you stay healthy. Eating right, exercising, and getting enough rest are important during puberty because of all the changes your body is going through. It is also important to feel good about yourself and the decisions you make. You have to learn to care for your own body, work hard and maintain good health, and to like yourself as you are.
Your brother could be taller than you or you could be taller than him, or you could both be the same height. Only time will tell.

Is my fan what's making me feel sick?

I recently put a stand up fan in my room mostly for white noise, but also because it's become a little warm. I don't have it blowing right on me, it's kind of position to blow just to he right of my bed. Recently I've also started to feel kinda gross - like dry, scratchy throat and icky sorta stuffed nose but nothing to blow out. Do you think it's from the fan and if so, any suggestions of how to position the fan so I can still have it without it making me feel sick?
I have a fan set up like that too... oddly enough... and yes... it can make you sick if you don't clean it regularly... the dust builds up and blows right on you, which can obviously irritae your throat/nose. However, aside from that, it doesn't cause any problems if it isn't blowing right at you...
Yeah, sounds like the fan's the culprit.

Can't you just open the window a crack instead?
if your thinking that the cold air from the fan is making u sick then its not cold air dosen't make u sick
Is your room dusty? It could be that the fan is blowing dust and dust mites around.
It could the fan is drying out your mucus membranes too much. I would put a humidifier in your room with it or if you don' thave one, put a large dish of water in front of the fan so it blows over it and humidifies the air.
the air is being blown around and some dust you can't see may be floating around causing the dryness=at night time place it in front of window to bring in the cooler air from outside=good luck
If you've just started feeling sick then it could be just a cold you picked up or something but you could also have your room too dry or cold from the fan and that could be making you feel sick. It's probably a long shot but just make sure that your fan is clean because there could possibly be something in it that could be making you sick.
it is possible that the fan is the cause of the problem. The thing is that fans pick up the dust around you and blows it into the air. This could be what you are expiriencing. In contrast an air conditioner has a filter. The filter stops some of the dust from being blowend into the air.
It sounds more like you have allergies. The fan is probably just blowing dust around and that's what is aggravating allergies. If your allergic to dust mites it means you really have to dust or vacuum almost every day to keep it down.
Yes, it is the fan, be careful you can catch pneumonia and have to be one an expensive antibiotic for a while, not to mention the hospital visit.

To position you fan at night, I would suggest keeping it at a lower speed and aiming toward you bed, but at a higher angle so that is blows heat near you away but not the heat on YOU.

Just keep it at a high angle when facing you general direction, and avoid at all cost allowing it to swirls near the corner of your bed. If the head of your bed is in a corner, don't let the air crash into that corner. That will just make the air come down, and/or swirl in your area which is worst than having it just blow at you. It is worse b/c you can have dust particle dancing about your face as oppossed to swimming pass you.

So, keep the speed low, keep the angle high, and keep the blast out of the corner, and you should be fine.

I hope you stay cool and healthy.
My future father-in-law had the same problem. He actually caught pneumonia from his fan! It is most likely caused from the lack of humidity that your fan is creating...making you dehydrated, which can also be a culprit of increased allergy symptoms. Spray a little water in your room, put your fan on swivel (if you can) and position it on the opposite side of the room from you. Hope this helps.
(Note: You may want to invest in a steamer. Vicks (vapor rub company) makes one, you can either use just water or you can add the mynthol to it to help you breath.)
That's what happened to me!
Yes, it is!
Just stop and see what happens.
Also, don't open the window I found it to have the same bad effects.

Is my ear clogged?

i was using a q-tip the other day ( I AM SICK BY THE WAY) and like that afternoon i couldnt hear that good out of my left ear and it was ringing. what can i do ?
I get that all the time. since you are sick try some musinex to keep the ears flowing use the kind for sinus. Once you get it running then you can use some benydryl to dry it up. If you can get some white viniager at room temp in go for it. this will help dry it up if it is not to deep. You will have to keep your head tipped and wiggle your earlob to get it in. If in pain use vegitable oil. None of these things will hurt you and if they dont work then you can atleast tell your doctor you tried. They have to give you credit for trying.
My cousin did that once and ended up going to the doctor. He found the end of Q-tip in her ear. Since you're sick, probing the ear might have changed the pressure, temporarily, causing the ringing.
I'm not a doctor so i dont really know, but i heard that cleaning out your ears with q-tips could cause you to lose your hearing becuase the wax will get pushed back into your ear drum...i would ask your doctor
It's possible that your ears are blocked up by pressure. I would go see a doctor because it could turn into an infection soon or it could rupture. That's not neccesarily bad, but it could be, so go see a doctor first thing, and get it checked out. Hope you feel better.
i'd get it checked out.
and it might be your cold messing w/ your ears but i douno i'm not a doctor, but i said that b/c that happens to me a lot when i'm sick.

Is my computer destroying my vision?

I work on a computer, use my computer for school, and also do a lot of emailing, buying things online, etc., so I spend most of the day, every day looking at a computer screen. I've noticed that my vision is getting a little blurry--is that from looking at the computer screen, and is there anything I can do to get better? I can't quit my job or school or stop using email, so that wouldn't be a solution.
best thing to do would be schedule an appt. with an eye care professional.explain the situation and have an eye exam. your eyesight is too precious to take chances with.
well obviously you can't quit your job or school but im sure that you can do something to cut down the amount of time that your are on the computer for, or at least take regular breaks...and also try to improve your diet the most obvious thing is to consume more CARROTS!
Take a few breaks, for about every 2 hours
Looking at the monitor too long will affect your vision. There are some ways to minimize the effect.

- Install a monitor filter to reduce the radiation
- Set a timer to look away from your monitor every 15 minutes.
- Use your PC with the lights on. Don't use your PC in the dark. Your eyes will be badly affected.
see if you stare at screen for hours then it will .

what you have to do is you must give eyes rest periodicaly.

wash with cold water occassionaly if possible.
wearing a sunglasses or putting a dark screen in front of ur actual screen will lessen the damage. and yes, sitting in front of computer screen too much does cause vision problems. My husband keeps arguing with me abt it... but I'm a computer addict, so...

Is my boyfriend what you call addicted?

Okay my boyfried every couple of weeks will spend over a hundred dollars in one night on crack coccaine. He doesnt do it every day or every week. But he cant seem to stop doing it every so often. It is hurting us finacially and he kicks himself for doing it but he wont stop. This might not be the best place to ask something like this and if anyone knows a better place to ask this let me know thanks.
My boyfriend is a former "crackhead" who had a serious addiction to it. So I know WAY too much about this horrible drug. Many things you say point to an addiction, whether you want to see it or not.
1. He spends money you two don't have on it.
2. He can't seem to stop doing it.
3. He binges when he does it.
I don't see an addiction as necessarily the frequency of doing something. You're trying to make it ok to yourself by saying he only does it once in a while. But those three signs that I pointed out above are your own words out of your own short question and they all scream addict.

Crack is called the Devil's Candy for a reason. It deadens your life and steals your very soul. Be careful for this could EASILY turn into full-time dependence. How do you know it hasn't already? Getting caught with crack, even residue in a pipe, is a FELONY. If caught with it in your vehicle your vehicle will be seized. This is a very dangerous game he is playing and tread lightly you DO NOT want to go down that road it is HELL. My b/f stole all of my $$$, lied and lied and was a completely different person. I didn't know right away what was going on I was working 12 hour days then coming home and taking care of my kids. At the bginning he even almost had me convinced that my 2 older kids were the ones stealing my money. He didn't work so he had plenty of time to indulge when I wouldn't notice. All day long before I came home from work, all night long while I was sleeping. Things finally came to a head when he took off in MY brand new SUV and disappeared on what ended up to be a 4 day long binge, and left me here with my kids and no vehicle (that I was paying for!). So I reported my vehicle stolen!

If you think that it can't happen to you or him think again. Crack has no conscience and doesn't discriminate between gender or race. If you would like to chat more email me.
yes he hooked get him some help fast before it's gets to a everyday thing good luck
Turn him in?

He is a felon, a he is purchasing and using a controlled substance. He needs help, and he needs it now. Give him an ultimatum; get help or get out.
Substance addiction is when sb is physically or psychologically dependent on sth. If he can not go without cocaine, he may be addicted or being addicted.
Another problem is his indulgence at spending for the substance.
Yeah, you should definitely talk to him about at least switching to something less expensive and less hardcore. He pronbably doesn't want to go to a treatment center (which costs a lot more than crack) but yes, that is what you call addicted. Crack is seriously harmful, talk to him about at least doing something else, speed pills, pain killers, anything. The best place to go to talk about this would be your boyfriend. Good luck, best wishes :)
im gonna have to say he needs rehab, i knew someone who was the same way as much as they say they can quit whenever they want , the reality is they can't, its not their fault its a powerful drug that controls you rather than you control it, don't listen to the idiots on here saying to switch to something else, just drop the drugs and go to rehab and get better
Yes, he is addicted. The reason I can be sure of that is he's hurting you (and himself) financially, perhaps emotionally as well. And still he doesn't stop. So that's because either he's A.) Lying, and really doesn't care what you think or care about the expense, or B.) He can't stop, only stretch the amount of time between binges. Sometimes with addicts both are true, so it's up to you to decide. My family is struggling with an addict and have been for several years. If this is just the beginning, start look in the yellow pages for Addicts Anonymous. He needs help- there is over a 90% fail rate for people who try to quit, alone and 'cold turkey'. If he won't go, then it's time to separate yourself from him. Addiction is a fast downward spiral and without help, you may find him jobless, always looking for the next fix, and pulling you down with him. There are no happy endings for people who don't get help.

Is mixing Guaifenesin and Diphenhydramine safe?

I am curious if mixing the two would cause a reaction with one another causing an overdose of some type. I am very fluish right now and I am trying to bombard my body with all I can! Thanks for your help.

Sincerely yours,
Guaufenesin is an antitussive and expectorant- to combat nonproductive cough in colds or bronchitis.

Diphenhydramine is an antihistimine used to temporarily relieve various allergic conditions...the big thing with this one is drowsiness. If you use it all the time there may be more side effects that may need more assessment.

BUT, i don't think that there is a problem with taking these together...but don't forget, we're not doctors here unless we state we are!! :)
Hope you feel better!
Yes, I've done this a number of times. Guaifenesin doesn't seem to react with anything.

Is milk helpful in relieving ulcer pain?

I thought i'd ask, because its 5 thirty am here and milk is good for so many other things.

Gonna pick me up some Amoxcillin and Prilosec tomorrow when the chemists are open but yeah.

I always get sick on a sunday.......:S
Um - no, actually, milk won't help. Follow your physician's directions, including the antibiotic he'll prescribe.
Sip some milk. Drinking a glass of skim milk during an ulcer attack may provide quick relief. "Milk works like an antacid. When it gets to the stomach, it neutralizes the acid and the pain will go away," says Dr. Herrera. Use caution, however: Some people who drink milk for ulcer pain report feeling even worse a short time later, says Dr. Herrera.

Is mercury poisioning reversible?

If you get poisioned from mercury amalgam fillings?
Not really, thats why it is so damgerous. They can help with the symptoms, but cant really cure it.

Is Men Deodorant Stronger Than Women's?

I mean does it stay on longer
some types of lynx (men's deodorant) are strong and others are pretty weak as well i think it just depends on the brand and the fragrance but i would think mens is stronger
I think the main difference is just the fragrance.
I wouldn't say that it stays longer, it just has a more "manly" smell.
Yeah Mens are definitely Stronger in smell.

But the Womens stays Longer.

No Pun Intended. :-)

Is medicine tablet be still effective?

Our family doctor prescribed a tablet medicine to my dad and he should take half tablet once a day. I saw in TV a person dividing a table into half and took the first half and threw away the other half saying that once a table has been uncovered and not taken, the tablet became ineffective.

a lot of pills have to be cut in half because the Dr. prescribes half the amount that comes in a standard pill.
For Example Hydro-Chlorthiazide, is a water pill for reducing fluid in the body, it comes standard as 25 MG, often it is prescribed as 12 1/2 Mg, so must but cut in half for proper dose.

Drugs have a shelf life, But usually counted in Months, not hours, If in Doubt Talk to your Pharmacist
contact your doctor or pharmacist.
depends on the drug. Call the pharmacy where you get the drug and talk to the pharmacist (make sure it's not just the pharmacy tech, get the pharmacist)
Sounds unlikely, but I would ask your doctor. Best bet with anything. And don't believe anything you see on TV. Its evil and full of lies.
That is simply not true. I work in an Army hospital and a lot of medications are made to be givin in half doses a lot of the time the dose perscrided is so small that the med is not made in such a small dose hence the splitting of a pill. so the anser is yes it is still very much just as effective as the first half.
If a tablet is scored, (with a line down the middle) it is meant to be cut, it doesn't make it ineffective. If its scored its ok, and its formulated to be divided. BTW just because a pharmacy tech doesn't have R.Ph. behind their name, doesn't mean they're a total idiot. If the dosage is half a tablet, the other half can be stored in the prescription bottle, however if it is in a unit-dose package, it should be thrown away. Also, some pharmacies will dispense only have tabs depending on the dosage.
Most tablets can be cut in half. Many times the doctor will prescribe a dose that is half of the available tablet. You should take care that the remaining 1/2 tablet is kept cool and dry. Once it is cut it is more vulnerable to moisture and could degrade faster, but so long as it is used within 30 days you should be fine.

There are some tablets that should not be cut, crushed or chewed. It should say on your patient information sheet if the tablet you are taking is one of them. Normally these tablets have a coating on them to either protect them from the acidity of the stomach, protect your stomach from a medicine which could cause nausea or other side effects, or to make it a controlled release tablet that will slowly release medication to your body over 8 - 12 hours.

Is medical marijuana legal in california for people with chronic pain?

Yes, you have to get a prescription from a doctor though: ( ) If you're lucky (for the script, not the pain) you may also be prescribed something to the inhale the marijuana with, like a volcano ( )

Is Mary Jane bad???

Mary Jane is marijuana and my boyfriend says its not bad and I want to find out for myself. So tell me the freakin truth, is it bad or not.
i think pot should not only be legal but mandatory for some tight*ss people.

no-one has EVER overdosed on pot and there is NO evidence it causes any health issues. it is illegal though and people do go to jail because of it. been a pot smoker for 40 years and i think it's great.
pot is illegal. you can go to jail or lose a job for use and/or possession.
it's not bad when you're smokin it. all it can do is make you lazy/unmotivated. just don't become a pot head. oh and of course DON'T GET CAUGHT.
Its bad that everyone tells you its bad..

It is like cigarettes to your lungs, actually worse.

The thc can kill brain cells ... like booze kinda..

So if you try it, I warned ya.
very bad its so bad its not good. You be better off just playing cards to kill time. All marajuana is bad because its just like broken glass scraping the inside of your brain. It'll make you hard to remember and that could be bad if you have to do your homework, study for test, take test and everyday living and brainstorming. So yep!
I say no it's not as bad as alcohol.. Pot mellows you out.. Alcohol is courage in a can and can lead into a lot of problems.. Health wise.. It's worse then cigarettes, As a cigarette smoker may inhale then quickly exhale.. Pot smokers inhale and hold in the smoke to get the most THC in their body.. I say either way.. Stay AWAY!
no it is not bad for you. it is very relaxing and very medicianal. it helps with cramping really well. my ex wife swore by it during her monthly. just dont smoke too much of it at once the first time you smoke it. if yu get too high it can make you paranoid.

Is Marijuana really harfmul? I was a smoker for 30 years and i am the epitome of good health?

i was thinking of making a tea for a sick old lady friend who suffers from bone aches
If you do say so yourself.
Self-medicating someone who is probably on prescription medications already is a BAD idea. Obviously, your common sense has been effected.

Although there are many conflicting studies involving health issues and the effects of cannabis, certain physical and mental health effects conclusions have been reached. Today, there is still a substantial amount of propaganda and misinformation from both cannabis advocates and opponents due to the legal issues of cannabis, including legal and political constraints on cannabis research.
Cannabis is currently recognized as a psychologically addictive drug. There is no cannabis withdrawl disorder in the DSM-IV, but studies have demonstrated that cannabis use can induce withdrawl symptoms similar to other drugs with recognized physical dependence. Cannabis withdrawl symptoms are similar in magnitude and time-course to the well-established tobacco withdrawal syndrome.[55]
The most obvious confounding factor in cannabis research is the prevalent usage of other recreational drugs, including alcohol and tobacco.[56] Such complications demonstrate the need for studies on cannabis that have stronger controls, and investigations into the symptoms of cannabis use that may also be caused by tobacco. Most cannabis research within the USA is funded by government agencies who in turn publish position papers citing research studies that spotlight the negative consequences of cannabis use.[57][58] In light of this, some people question whether these agencies make an honest effort to present an accurate, unbiased summary of the evidence, or whether they "cherry-pick" their data, and others caution that the raw data, and not the final conclusions, are what should be examined.[59]
Unlike tobacco, cannabis has not been shown to cause emphysema, lung cancer, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.[60][61][62] Other studies have suggested that cannabis use by expectant mothers does not appear to cause birth defects or developmental delays in their newborn children.[63][64] According to a United Kingdom government report, using cannabis is less dangerous than tobacco, prescription drugs, and alcohol in social harms, physical harm and addiction.[65]
Cannabis is known to act on the hippocampus (an area of the brain associated with memory and learning), and impair short term memory and attention for the duration of its effects and in some cases for the next day. In the long term, some studies point to enhancement of particular types of memory.[66] Cannabis was found to be neuroprotective against excitotoxicity and is therefore beneficial for the prevention of progressive degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease.[67] A 1998 report commissioned in France by Health Secretary of State Bernard Kouchner and directed by Dr. Pierre-Bernard Roques determined that, "former results suggesting anatomic changes in the brain of chronic cannabis users, measured by tomography, were not confirmed by the accurate modern neuro-imaging techniques," (like MRI). "Moreover, morphological impairment of the hippocampus [which plays a part in memory and navigation] of rat after administration of very high doses of THC (Langfield et al., 1988) was not shown (Slikker et al., 1992)" (translated). He concluded that cannabis does not have any neurotoxicity as defined in the report, unlike alcohol and cocaine.[68][69][70]
Research between the use of cannabis and mental illness has also brought significant results. Cannabis use is generally higher among sufferers of schizophrenia, but the causality between the two has not been established.[71][72] Another study concluded that sustained early-adolescent cannabis use among genetically predisposed individuals has been associated with a variety of mental illness outcomes, ranging from psychotic episodes to clinical schizophrenia.[73][74]
personally i dont think its harmful unless you do too too much . but a little tea? that seems fine.
Well Im in the same boat as you and I dont think so!
Possibly, yes but then again so is smoking a cigarette
of course it is bad for you worse than cigarettes. Kills brain cells people that smok marijuana are losers, dead beats.
Didn't you see the commercial back in the 80's where the compared your brain to an egg, and then threw the egg in a hot frying pan and said "This is your brain on drugs".

Any questions?
maybe you think you are in good health but the hash made you think it!!
yeah i died from it..literally
well it does bring up a valid disussion, i mean how do you explain people like george burns. i guess its all in the genes. i like a toke once in awhile also.
it is but it is NOT as harmful as cigarettes are!
It's harmful to the lungs if smoked. However, if in tea form, as long as it is not tainted with any other drug, there are no negative health consequences.
Besides damage to the lungs there aren't really and long lasting effects. It has been proven that it THC doesn't even kill your brain cells it just slows them down, but if you stop using then they return to there normal state.

Make her some tea it could really help her. You may want to tell her what it is though.

Ya know Jessicab... you really shouldn't make statements you obviously know nothing about.
no pot isnt harmful...the only way u could die from doin pot is way to much of it in on day like 100lbs in 1 day..idk i guess the only way to c if she feels better is to give her sum.idk tho
I personally don't think it is. I don't smoke, but I think if there was a way to tax weed it would be legal.
well it is a drug so be careful with sick old ladies. a tea sounds good tho, better than the smoke which i dont trust because it could cause damage to the lungs air sacs.
not in my opinion. depending on the grade, it has different effects. schwag gets me a headache, dro gets me throwed, and mid grade is perfect.
huh what was the question
It has an major effect on short term memory. One of the reasons the stereotype exists of the "pot-head kid" student not getting good grades.

It affects memory, and can affect childbirth if the smoker also smokes regular nicotine cigarrettes in conjunction with marijuana.
thats effed up, do it lol
Pot tea? It might help her. I think the only harmful part of it is that smoking 1 joint is the equivalent of a pack of 20 cigarettes on your lungs. I don't smoke it but I did when I was in high school.
Give it to the old lady, why not?? Not in high amounts though--Voters in Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, have all voted in medical marijuana statutes (or legislatively implemented in the case of Hawaii) which specifically allow doctors to 'recommend' pot to patients they feel may benefit from the therapeutic effects pot has on untold numbers of ailments and illnesses

-- I have never used it myself, i dont see a need for it or have the slightest inclination to ever knowing how it must feel to smoke it or eat it or whatever.. but if its helpful to manage all the pain associated with certain conditions and illnesses then people should be free to use it!
So how are your lungs? Your old lady friend needs to get help from a doctor for bone aches.
any time you burn and inhale particles into your lungs you are risking harm. i think it's pretty well accepted that it has beneficial effects and imho should certainly be legalized but being a long-time toker myself i prefer the vaporizer! there are no particles involved; you are just inhaling the fumes.
yes it is for low lifes!!!!!!!!!...

and scudders ~~~~
Some says it bad for you, and other say its not bad for you at all and is used for medical uses.

I think it is good for you and it can also be used as a pain killer.

What i find most disturbing is that the govenment allow the selling of tablets than if taken too much can kill, IE Parsetamol (spelling) take a bottle of that and you will surley die, but there has never been a death or sort from weed, its the total oppasit, it helps ppls in pain, yet it is ilegal, what sort of fucked up govenment is that.
go for it
It can cause excessive boogers.
vc .net