
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Is there a way to get rid of a mole in my hairline without leaving a bald spot?

I have a new mole right smack dab in the front of my hairline near my part. It scares me because I have never had one there.
If I have it burned off there will probably be a bald spot. Of course I would rather have that than die of cancer but should I be so quick to do something like that or just watch it. I know I should see a doctor but I was just wondering if anyone had any knowledge of this.
Yes you should talk to a doctor, and he will tell you if it needs to be removed. I had a mole removed on my scalp, about 3 inches above the hairline and I don't have a bald spot. So I don't think you will have one either. But see a DOCTOR.
Hope this helps, and good luck.
go to a skin doctor they might freeze it off with a pin point accuracy and it shouldnt leave much of a spot at all.

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