Answer: Nope, sorry. When you are sick and your ears are plugged, it is because mucus is backed up into your sinuses. You just have to wait it out. The only thing that would help would be cold medicine to stop the mucus production. I hope you feel better!
Anything for sinuses should help with that because all that is is mucus from your nose going into your ears...gross right?
nope not will need antibiotics you probably have an ear infection.
There is not a medication for that but if you take your index finger and middle finger and rub your ears in a circular motion it usually will help it pop. I have TMJ and my jaw gets tight so I always rob it like that and it helps.
It's a curious situation. If you look in medical texts, they recommend nasal decongestants. If you look deeper into medical journals and search the studies that test the effectiveness of decongestants, you find that they don't work. Your best bet is sugar-free gum (no sense in getting cavities) and yawning a lot, as chewing or yawning will sometimes do the trick to unpop those pesky eustachian tubes.
All i know is that when my sinuses are ccongested or clogged my ears pop. So take Sudafed. Or something like that, that will take care of the congestion.
Try a decongestant such as psuedoephedine. It will unclog your sinuses and let your ears pop.
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