
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Is six hour sleep enough...?

Each individual is different. 6 is plenty for some people, others need more, a few need less.
Your body will just be tired and not up to speed, but you midn will function and get moving. But honestly aim for at least 7 maybe 8.
ummm i would say 7-8 would be a lot healthier.
Not really, 8 is the ideal number
ideally everyone needs aprrox 8 hrs of sleep....but if u have six good hours of deep sleep it might be okay for a while but after a while u will feel abt 7 and a half hrs is good...
six hours is like the minium a person should have its better if you get a full 8 hours of sleep its more healthier
Although it’s a common belief that 8 hours of sleep is required for optimal health, a six-year study of more than one million adults ages 30 to 102 has shown that people who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate. Individuals who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 4 hours a night, were shown to have a significantly increased death rate compared to those who averaged 6 to 7 hours.

Researchers from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine and the American Cancer Society collaborated on the study, which appeared in the February 15, 2002 issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry, a journal of the American Medical Association.

Although the data indicated the highest mortality rates with long-duration sleep, the study could not explain the causes or reasons for this association.

Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., in his sleep lab at UCSD.

First author Daniel F. Kripke, M.D., a UCSD professor of psychiatry who specializes in sleep research, said “we don’t know if long sleep periods lead to death. Additional studies are needed to determine if setting your alarm clock earlier will actually improve your health.”

But, he added “individuals who now average 6.5 hours of sleep a night, can be reassured that this is a safe amount of sleep. From a health standpoint, there is no reason to sleep longer.”

Kripke is also a member of UCSD's Sam and Rose Stein Institute for Research on Aging.

The study, which addressed sleep issues as part of the Cancer Prevention Study II (CPSII) of the American Cancer Society, also indicated that participants who reported occasional bouts of insomnia did not have an increased mortality rate, but those individuals who took sleeping pills were more likely to die sooner.

“Insomnia is not synonymous with short sleep,” the authors said in the article. “Patients commonly complain of insomnia when their sleep durations are well within the range of people without sleep symptoms.”

They added that physicians believe most patient complaints about “insomnia” are actually related to depression, rather than a diagnosis of insomnia.

With 1.1 million participants, this was the first large-scale population study of sleep to also take into consideration variables such as age, diet, exercise, previous health problems, and risk factors such as smoking, in comparing longevity among the participants. In other words, individuals with specific characteristics were compared with individuals of a similar age, health background, etc.

Although the study was conducted from 1982-88, the sleep results have not been available until recently due to the length of time required to input and analyze the vast amount and variety of data from the 1.1 million participants.

“Previous sleep studies have indicated that both short- and long-duration sleep had higher mortality rates,” Kripke said. “However, none of those studies were large enough to distinguish the difference between 7 and 8 hours a night, until now.”

The figures above indicate hours of sleep for men (left) and women (right). The hazard ratio, the top bar graph, indicates the mortality risk while the bottom graph shows the percentage of subjects associated with the reported number of hours sleep.

The best survival rates were found among those who slept 7 hours per night. The study showed that a group sleeping 8 hours were 12 percent more likely to die within the six-year period than those sleeping 7 hours, other factors being equal. Even those with as little as 5 hours sleep lived longer than participants with 8 hours or more per night.

The mean age for women in the study was 57, while the mean age for men was 58. Within the six year period, 5.1 percent of the women had died and 9.4 percent of the men. The causes of death resembled the distribution for the general population.

Additional authors of the study were Lawrence Garfinkel, M.A., the American Cancer Society, New York; Deborah L. Wingard, Ph.D. and Melville R. Klauber, Ph.D., UCSD Department of Family and Preventive Medicine; and Matthew R. Marler, Ph.D., UCSD Department of Psychiatry.

Data came from the American Cancer Society with analysis supported by the National Institutes of Health.
six is the minimum and body can endure it for some time but 7 to 8 hrs is real relaxing and keeps one in best spirits...

also not only the number of hours but the quality of sleep matters too like minimum disturbance, light so on

finally, get to know ur body clock there are two hrs when it's necessary that you must be sleeping.. this needs to be figured out by oneself...

like for me its 1:30 to 3:30 in night .. if I sleep well during this time, its a great feeling waking up the next morning... even though the overall sleeping time may be less
I sleep between 5 to 6 hours per night. For myself it is fine. However, I know that my body will require more sleep as I get older. To answer your question it would depend on each individual. For me it is fine.

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