Do you have wishes.. people think im sad because i wish on stupid little things like eyelashes and wishing wells and birthday candals.. my wishes never come true but i beleive one day they will. my friends think i stupid and my wish will NEVER come true.. but i surpose theyre right in a way.. my wish is that someone in my family who passed away wud be back with me.. but i beleive they already are with me. i see and feel them in my heart but no one else can.. am i stupid for having this wish... please comment.
You are certainly not stupid for having wishes, i think it;s very nice.
You're definitely not stupid, you have faith and hope and it would be a better world if more people were like you :)
no..i donot think ur wishes are stupid..i would say that ur an optimist..
I wish I hadn't answered this stupid question.
It's not stupid. The person might be back with you, in spirit at least. I've never been a strong believer in wish making, but don't let anyone tell you your wishes are stupid.
no your not stupid, its totally natural to feel like this when someone you love has passed away, and if they are in your heart they will always be with you!
You can wish whatever you want. If that is what makes you happy, please do it as much as possible. However, if it makes you unhappy whenever a wish does not come true, quit wishing! It is just going to make you depressed. And you don't have to make a wish to have your loved one in your heart, because they already are and always will be. Good luck!
With regard to the family member who has passed away, it is natural that one does not immediately "accept" and "internalise" what has happened to family member. It may be because you are going through that stage in your life...
You're not stupid, but you are showing early signs of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Learning to get over the need to constantly wish, and perhaps learn to spell, could only be a good thing.
nah ur not
keep it up girl
and always say "I GOT THE POWER" out loud YEAAAAH
and their not worth being friends if they dont care
I wish all of the time for things, people think that I am stupid 2! I don't think that when you feel people in your heart that this is stupid, have faith and be proud of it. I dont think you are weird, you are just a believer
Every living thing is made up of atoms, which when we die, return to the universe to make other things, so in reality no one ever disappears completely from the Universe, your loved one is all around you as indeed you will be when your time comes.No one ever goes as long as they are not forgotten...and it seems as though you will never forget, whats in your heart and dreams belongs only to you...
beleive is not spelt like that by the way lol. but yeah i dont mean to be harsh but this person can never be with you in the traditional sense, but you can always feel them with you and stuff, that can be what gives you strength. thats why people believe in god really, so they think that someone else not in this world is with them, watching them, it makes them feel safe. which is fair enough. but i wouldnt say these wishes out loud, and also if you do say them word them carefully cos the way you put it sounds like you think this person will resurrect, which is a bit silly.
i dont think your stupid at all everyone has to believe in something. i lost my dad and often think hes with me , it might be wishful thinking but it keeps me happy, so carry on believing it does no-one any harm and it sounds like it does you the world of good
not at all its good to have hopes and dreams.
I don't think it's stupid. You have hope. Which is good.
If you enjoy doing it why would it be stupid hold your head hight and wish away
babe you really aint stupid for wishing these things, if it gives you peace of mind and you feel their presence then carry on and dont listen to your friends. i wish you well xxxxxxxxxx
Nothing wrong with that! Hope and faith are good things.
each to their own i say but a little tip, maybe you ought to keep this to yourself more.
No its not stupid. It seems your wish has already come true if you believe that your family is still with you. I'm not religious but its kind of like believing in Jesus, that he's always with you. So your friends can't call you stupid or they will be insulting catholics and christians everywhere
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