i just got contact lenses yesterday and when i put them on at the eye docters the lenses solution made my eyes sting. i didn't tell the docter that becaus i thought it was normal if the lenses solution stings alittle. then i went to the store and bought a different lenses solution and when i tryed it this morning it made my eyes sting to. so i just wanted to know if it is normal for contact lesnses solutin to sting your eyes.
no it isn't normal=call the eye Dr=tell him this and what else can you use
If this is the first time you've used contacts they may sting for a while...I would recomend that you switch contact solutions until you find one that your eyes feel comfortable with : )
No, call your doctor and meantime use your glasses.
Sometimes mine do when my eyes are irritated and I put them in. It will probably go away as your eyes get used to wearing contacts. Think of it as putting salt in a wound-it stings. Well contacts can cause little teeny tiny scratches-nothing to worry about- so when you put something in your eye it stings a bit. Like I said your eyes should get used to it.
The stinging should only be a minor discomfort and it should go away in a few seconds. If not or if you're concerned call your doctor!
it shouldn't t sting! best thing is to go back to your eye doctor. It's possible though that you may be having an allergic or some reaction to the solution. You could try other lens solutions and see what's best for you.
One reason, dirty hands. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water and get all the soap off your hands. Some soap, especially the expensive kind is really bad. Only use paper towels to dry your hands. Cloth towels leave little bits of lint on your hands. Put the lense in the palm of your hand and rinse it with solution. Then put it on your finger and put one drop of wetting solution in the lens and when you put it in your eye, it will almost jump onto your eye. it won't touch your eye, but will float on a layer of liquid. You should not feel it at all. If the solution is cold, it will sting. I use "Complete" I use the same thing for cleaning, soaking, and wetting. Sometimes it stings for a few seconds. I wear acuvue 2 and leave them for several days to a month. I clean them when they seem to get blurry or if I notice them in my eye. Sign of dirty.
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