
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is it weird to be scared of vomit or being sick?

not at all,it is called emetophobia and is actually more common than you may think..i have it!'re not a's a phobia like any other phobia,may be nothing to some but freaks us out big time..!
It is quite a common phobia.
No; but if you're avoiding doing things because you're scared you'll vomit when you get there, go see your doc - there's a lot of things can be done to help that :)
No. The smell, the sound and the sight of someone vomiting makes me retch.
I'm usually too p*ssed to care!
NO that's quite normal
I don't think so, because I am terrified of people being sick, I can't be in the same room as anyone who looks like they might puke.
My husband has to look after the kids when they are sick. It's the only thing I am really scared of.
No way - I have had a phobia of being sick since I was little!. I am now 41 and and scared of being sick in public so much it can make me anxious. The thing is I am not sure why as luckily, in all my life I have been sick a handfull of times. My friend is a counsellor and she tells me that this is a completely normal fear and very common - some people who suffer carry a bag with them just in case. Relax - you are normal! I now think that so what if you were ever sick in public - I have seen people being sick on planes and in the street and never thought anything of it so, it if happened to me, I guess no one else would!
i no alot of people that are scared of vomit!
Being scared to be sick thats not all weird but it naturally you have to become sick once in a while!
I think it's called emetophobia or something like that. It's quite common but if it's interfering with your eating or causing you severe problems (e.g. anxiety or panic attacks) you should see your doctor.
i work with a guy whose wife has that phobia, which is apparently not good if you have 2 kids!!
Of course not, think of all thoses people who don't care ,like people who drink alcohol, who always end up vomiting , and when organs failure, and those who smoke, end up having a heart disease, because there, not scared, neither take it seriously, so there end up and face there consequences, which people like you end up having a long healthy life ,because you choose to look after your self well, because you worry ,and care what could happen to you.
No. It's normal.

Weird would be enjoying it.
Well it's not a very pleasant feeling is it? The contents of your stomach are rushing up your throat and out your mouth, it's no wonder people are scared of it.
Emetophobia or emetephobia
- fear of being sick
Emetophobia, sometimes known as emetephobia, phagaphobia or vimitaphobia, is an irrational and intense fear of being sick. It is actually the sixth most common phobia in the UK.

Vomitting is not a pleasant experience for any of us but for somebody who is unfortunate enough to suffer with emetophobia, even the idea of vomiting is absolutely terrifying.

Many sufferers find emetophobia or emetephobia totally governs their lives. They are unable to eat out in restauraunts or even eat socially at all. They avoid any place or situation where there is the possibility of either themselves or others being sick. The very thought or suggestion of being sick, even the written word, can lead to panic and distress.
Emetophobics tend to identify vomiting with dirt and germs and can be obsessive about hygiene and will also avoid places such as public toilets. Indeed many suffers may also have trouble with other hygiene related problems. Those suffering with emetophobia are often mistaken as having an eating disorder of some kind. This is because they tend to eat very little and as we have mentioned, rarely in public.
Emetophobia or emetephobia is frequently related to other fears such as choking, gagging, drowning, germs, hospitals and social phobia.

What is the difference between a fear and a phobia like emetophobia or emetephobia?
Generally speaking the main difference between a fear and a phobia is the severity of the emotional reaction. For example, a strong dislike of spiders is a fear - a person may feel uncomfortable around them, not want to go near one but that's as far as it goes. A phobia, on the other hand, is an irrational, uncontrollable, intense fear that can produce a physical reaction.

Why is hypnotherapy better that any other treatment for phobias like emetophobia or emetephobia?
Phobias, for example emetophobia or emetephobia, are often a symbolic reaction to a previous, unknown experience, frequently from early childhood. Using hypno-analysis, we can find the originating course of the phobia and release the 'bottled-up' emotions attached to it and thereby 'dissolving' the phobia. Most phobias are not directly related to the cause of the emotion but are a symbolic representation and this is invariably the case with emetophobia and emetephobia.
For example, many people suffer with a phobia or fear of flying (aviophobia or aviatophobia). Most have never experienced a plane crash but have an intense, physical fear of getting on an aeroplane. This is actually a fear of being out of control but their brain projects or symbolises this onto flying (aviophobia or aviatophobia). Hypnotherapy is therefore, very effective in the treatment of fears and phobias, as the originating cause is identified and the connected emotions released. The mind no longer has a need for protection and the phobia disappears. Other treatments may simply mask the symptoms - anti-anxiety drugs, for example, may help but they do not remove the cause.

How do I know the hypnotherapy will work for my emetophobia or emetephobia?
A phobia is 'an external symbolic interpretation of an internal anxiety. When someone finds his or herself in a situation that creates intense emotion, the person's subconscious mind has the ability to repress or 'bottle-up' these emotions if they are just too much to cope with. To guard against that person getting into a similar situation again, the 'psyche' then creates a phobia. For example, if a child was bitten by a dog, he is likely to develop a fear of dogs or if someone had a near drowning experience they may develop a fear of water (hydrophobia). However, many fears and phobias do not bear an obvious connection to any known experience and that is where hypno-analysis comes in. Every symptom has a cause so it is simply a case of finding that cause and the treatment will be successful
it's a phobia - see this url
Not it's not weird at all. This is a phobia known as 'Emetophobia' (the fear of vomiting or of others vomiting). This is due partly to an anxiety reaction created by experiencing vomiting and partly to the production of nausea due to the anxiety that this phobia produces.

It is quite common and not something you should worry about unless it has started to affect your everyday life. If it has started to cause you stress you need to talk to your doctor about overcoming this anxiety.
I dont know how common it is as a phobia but i went to school with a girl that had a major phobia of anyone being sick. We actually got on really well until she discovered i got travel trips were a nightmare for her if she had to sit next to me on the coach!
Not in the slightest, personally it is one thing that does freak me out.
not at all its horrible and i always want my mum when i,m sick.
Funny you should ask this because if I had not been to the hairdressers on Thursday and read an article on the very same then I might have thought it was weird - though I have to say that from an early age and until I was sick daily in pregnancy I absolutely hated fearfully the act of being sick (as opposed to fearing it more as a phobia) - any way the article I read said there was a named phobia which I can't now remember but think it began with em.... the fear of vomiting which is very distressing to sufferers. So, no it is not weird, it is common, and should be taken seriously.
not at all
It's not weird.
I'd like to reassure you though and tell you although it is an unpleasant experience there is nothing to be scared of. I vomit at the drop of a hat. As a child I was sick at least twice a week. My parents were told I had a small stomach capacity so every time I ate too much I brought it back up again.

Try not to get worked up about it as it makes the experience worse.

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