
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is Kombucha Tea toxic to the liver? The Mayo Clinic says yes!?

The Mayo Clinic says that Kombuch tea is toxic because it is a detoxifier, and all toxins pass through the liver. People with normal healthy livers have very little chance of damaging their livers. However, Kombucha is not recommended for someone with severe liver problems. Like any medicine or other herbal treatment, it is always best to talk with your doctor before using it.

Kombucha is a drink that you take daily. Health experts recommend taking an average of 8-12 oz daily.

Kombucha Tea contains live enzymes; enzymes are crucial for proper digestion, absorption of vital nutrients, and all other functions of the body. Kombucha Tea helps prevent disease through the strengthening of the immune system and by supplying the body with easily absorbed nutrients. It slows or even reverses aging by removing toxins, while strengthening and increasing the number of disease-fighting agents in the body. Removes heavy metals from the body.

We brew our own Kombucha at home and it has done wonders. My son suffers from severe allergies to humidity and mites, and has an open stomach. Because of this he used to get bronchitis at LEAST every other month. And every night after he went to sleep he'd start coughing so much that he'd wake up and throw up. Then he'd spend the next hour coughing before he could go back to sleep. He was taking allergy medications, medicine to help empty his stomach faster, he had two different inhalers, cough medication - and he's not even 5 yet!

Then at the end of January my husband started giving our son Kombucha tea twice a day. The same day that we started giving it to my son, my son hasn't coughed at all by night, he hasn't thrown up, and he hasn't had bronchitis. He doesn't need to use his inhalers or his allergy medications anymore either.

To me, this truly is a miracle drink! I wrote a blog on it that you are welcome to read:

Here's a good site that tells you step by step how to prepare Kombucha, and how to know when it's ready or not:

And here's a Yahoo Kombucha group that is really good at answering questions you may have:

If you need any more assistance, feel free to contact me.
I think so
If the Mayo clinic says yes, I think I would believe them.
Kombucha tea also has other essential acids that aids your digestive process, prohibits the development of bacteria, helps the body鈥檚 detoxification process and combats yeast infections.

But before taking this brew for any medical condition, note that the Food and Drug Administration has not yet authorized this drug for treating any medical problems.

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