I recently put a stand up fan in my room mostly for white noise, but also because it's become a little warm. I don't have it blowing right on me, it's kind of position to blow just to he right of my bed. Recently I've also started to feel kinda gross - like dry, scratchy throat and icky sorta stuffed nose but nothing to blow out. Do you think it's from the fan and if so, any suggestions of how to position the fan so I can still have it without it making me feel sick?
I have a fan set up like that too... oddly enough... and yes... it can make you sick if you don't clean it regularly... the dust builds up and blows right on you, which can obviously irritae your throat/nose. However, aside from that, it doesn't cause any problems if it isn't blowing right at you...
Yeah, sounds like the fan's the culprit.
Can't you just open the window a crack instead?
if your thinking that the cold air from the fan is making u sick then its not cold air dosen't make u sick
Is your room dusty? It could be that the fan is blowing dust and dust mites around.
It could the fan is drying out your mucus membranes too much. I would put a humidifier in your room with it or if you don' thave one, put a large dish of water in front of the fan so it blows over it and humidifies the air.
the air is being blown around and some dust you can't see may be floating around causing the dryness=at night time place it in front of window to bring in the cooler air from outside=good luck
If you've just started feeling sick then it could be just a cold you picked up or something but you could also have your room too dry or cold from the fan and that could be making you feel sick. It's probably a long shot but just make sure that your fan is clean because there could possibly be something in it that could be making you sick.
it is possible that the fan is the cause of the problem. The thing is that fans pick up the dust around you and blows it into the air. This could be what you are expiriencing. In contrast an air conditioner has a filter. The filter stops some of the dust from being blowend into the air.
It sounds more like you have allergies. The fan is probably just blowing dust around and that's what is aggravating allergies. If your allergic to dust mites it means you really have to dust or vacuum almost every day to keep it down.
Yes, it is the fan, be careful you can catch pneumonia and have to be one an expensive antibiotic for a while, not to mention the hospital visit.
To position you fan at night, I would suggest keeping it at a lower speed and aiming toward you bed, but at a higher angle so that is blows heat near you away but not the heat on YOU.
Just keep it at a high angle when facing you general direction, and avoid at all cost allowing it to swirls near the corner of your bed. If the head of your bed is in a corner, don't let the air crash into that corner. That will just make the air come down, and/or swirl in your area which is worst than having it just blow at you. It is worse b/c you can have dust particle dancing about your face as oppossed to swimming pass you.
So, keep the speed low, keep the angle high, and keep the blast out of the corner, and you should be fine.
I hope you stay cool and healthy.
My future father-in-law had the same problem. He actually caught pneumonia from his fan! It is most likely caused from the lack of humidity that your fan is creating...making you dehydrated, which can also be a culprit of increased allergy symptoms. Spray a little water in your room, put your fan on swivel (if you can) and position it on the opposite side of the room from you. Hope this helps.
(Note: You may want to invest in a steamer. Vicks (vapor rub company) makes one, you can either use just water or you can add the mynthol to it to help you breath.)
That's what happened to me!
Yes, it is!
Just stop and see what happens.
Also, don't open the window I found it to have the same bad effects.
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