
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is my pulse normal?

My pulse is 77 beats a minute at resting and feels sort of irregular, like 3 beats then a pause before a fourth one. I was wondering if this was too high for a 15 year old girl (5"0) and what high or low pulse rates can mean?
your pulse can be anywhere from 75-88 depending on your weight, fitness level, hight, age etc. If your worried about it ask your GP or health care proff. but it sounds ok to me
Go to docs if worried but all pulses are unique so there are none that are the same.
The rate is fine, but it shouldn't skip a beat, or be irregular.
A lot of times you can go by your local Fire Dept and let a paramedic check your BP and pulse, usually they will accomodate you.
Suggest you chat with your GP. Sometimes an irregular heart beat is known as eptopic (3/4 beats and a slight delay) (this may be nothing related to your situation) I was told by my doctor there are millions of individuals experiencing similar symptoms...always worth checking it out to put your own mind at ease.
Your pulse rate is normal, but you may have cardiac dysrythmia. Mostly what you said about your heart beat is felt when you concentrate on your heart and would be innocent in nature. But if this condition continues or accompanied by some other signs, you should be examined clinically.

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